Friday, August 13, 2010

Friendship Bracelet Pokemon Patterns

Au diable les préjugés: je sors du garde-robe.

Trouble de l'humeur à cycle rapide.

Bon, vous vous demander ce que ça mange en hiver, n'est-ce-pas? En gros, c'est une maladie mentale qui fait que l'on peut avoir entre 6 à 10 changements d'humeurs par jour. Ca se déclenche par une réalité, une phrase, une situation et ça devient très dur de revenir au calme plat. Le trois quart du temps, ca se vit intérieurement mais ca peut arriver it explodes from time to time. In subjects most affected is the battery of pills Titus complete with psychological thing. In my case it happened after my postpartum depression my fourth and I had a spirit of decency to consult. Tite a pink pill, minimum dose, 2 times a day and I am a perfectly normal girl. But now ...

As a woman, it happens to us, hormonally speaking to have our little jumps and moods to be somewhat''moody''for 2-3 days. Or, when you're in the process of affirming (as I do!), You declare war on''You tell me what to do!'' But in my case, the relatives do not accept this kind of behavior and whenever I speak, I, am entitled to a% $ # speeches like,''Fuck you''care

J 've had my criss Slap!

Because you may say what you want but the taboo about mental illness is HUGE! Because it's hard to see how disease is hard to understand what you're inside. I'm not mad, do not worry! But I am fortunate to be born in an age where one can find solutions to such ills. And why do I spend? It gives many Titus pills for blood, why not that? It has totally changed my life: I control, just in my ability, I have mood swings and I feel I have found the Magnolia that I have always been.

But there are times when I really had to say it was my cholesterol pills ...


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