(... continuation and conclusion of a st December 2010)
We are perhaps not far from there at a touch of nerves in the present war, a spring whose illusory everyone, with varying degrees of ruts or fatalism, pulls temporary solace, respite and just compensation due, or reason to the contrary rebellion and food for thought when one does not incessantly from one to another, without being able to determine the true location. And we should listen carefully representation that this partition corporation (laziness / work) gives us : she orchestrates our lives too much so we did not know.
This examination requires a sense of a cold-blooded as it has now become dangerous to separate work and living openly: a supposed natural urge to work it is now our livelihood depend, as a necessity it would be shameful to ignore, even inhumane, and if left unchecked, it was quick to question his human identity, to see her moral inconsistency caused his bad luck and take responsibility to the exclusion mechanisms themselves. While encouraging, if not to think, at least silence the arguments that will not be heard. [1] But look at things a little closer, working and living we seem rather contradictory. Who assumes full, day by day, living as a necessity in poverty or affluence, lost little time thinking about work, except to welcome to be relieved. Conversely, a (an) employee (himself), if its situation is precarious, lives at least comfort (even very modest and grotesquely provisional) no longer have to experience living as a necessity. And depart that sorrel is now a profit of more lean, not just about happiness, as the proverb warns us, but simply about physical survival, fear of dealing in turn as the rotten seed villainy, fraud, coping more or less legal, the disproportionate importance of the birth of his land as sociological, that are again that the collateral effects of the current war, just trees or swellings entities. And forget for a moment fear that without funds or cure our oil system, without reasonable basis because the need for security which motivates the will to work is often disappointed as hard as the ambition to move from wage to live, no cure viable because it is not safer today to compel labor than it is to avoid it. And yet admit, however, that man is an animal well economic and social, whether in his nature to climb the ladder values \u200b\u200blaborious and barely dislodged the precarious wage it has to stop and resume its climb. We shall see, however, most often, interrupting his effort when it has wreaked its kinetic momentum and fiercely defend its position against those who intend to force him to repeat that effort. Most often, if it continues to climb, it will be even wrong, to guard against such adverse events, and nothing can then further hamper the need to survive. Number of falls occur due to worries of an emotional or material, apparently harmless, but the eruption may only begin to unbalance the typical person and force requirements of subsistence, under pressure from private contingencies, finish the throw, causing his fall. Conversely, inactive, if it remains open to opportunities that interest collusion of work can offer, will have to keep an excessive careerism and still be able to enjoy it and stay focused instead on itself, keep alive his sensitivity and creativity that develops into inaction, carefully preserving mental and physical health that will allow it at the moment conducive to seize the opportunity. We can agree that the inertia, the persistence in the social movement of labor, and arousal, the need to survive, to preserve, oneself and one's health, coexist and motivate each other with more or less happiness, and admit that without major difficulty here is the condition of a certain recklessness. But clearly the sclerosis of the first and second are the vitality of this delicate balance in two sisters as enemies in a perpetual struggle in all of us, at will or knowledge of circumstances more or less controllable. In all cases, you will not find anywhere of strict equivalence between inability to work and need to spend to survive, at least nowhere but in neo-Darwinian designing the work as a coping style in the world and workers as a species we got a collective destiny to delay extinction.
But our daily observations will be fine dismiss the appeal without inner conviction of a "worker human nature, sometimes even by the most ridiculous and abominable atrocity most crass, example demonstrating the truly homicide que revêt le salariat dans nos couches sociales les plus diverses, ou en jaugeant très précisément l’aliénation animale inoculée par nos impayables industries dans les pays en voie d’extinction ou au contraire en phase d’extension exponentielle, ces illustrations innombrables n’empêcheront nullement ce qu’on pourrait appeler l’argument paléontologiste d’agir sur nous comme sur des rats de laboratoire. Le paléontologue, on le sait, date de plus en plus précisément la naissance de l’homme moderne par l’apparition sur terre de l’outil manufacturé, et dans notre inconscient collectif, singulièrement sollicité ces temps-ci, le travailleur actuel vient en droite ligne de ce premier homme qui se serait un jour toqué d’en baver pour améliorer son quotidien. Notre imaginaire grégaire n’habille peut-être pas le premier homme d’un bleu de chauffe, mais pour le moins d’une délicatesse morale suffisante pour nettoyer les carcasses abandonnées alentour par quelque carnassier préhistorique et en accommoder les restes de cuissons aromatiques, en fin gourmet, en charognard délicat et consciencieux. On ne place jamais très loin des braises de son foyer une toque en peau de Néandertalien, on le voit chauffer à blanc le fournil de l’évolution animale et offrir son premier barreau à la roue du Progrès.
be noted in passing that Neanderthals have also greatly expanded their equipment and are also held by households, feeding what might be called a beginning of life and social industrious (but also aesthetic and ritual), and they have nonetheless gone, then they have evolved, along with homo sapiens, to a higher form of animal. It should logically locate the fiber in Neanderthals which one makes the worker's own homo sapiens, and conclude that at least has not been sufficient to perpetuate themselves even us. But still allow it, an infinite sum of arguments would be inefficient on a realistic illusion that feeds itself, they act at most as natural contradictions, inconsistencies human is forgotten very quickly with oneself. It must also adopt the prevailing view, that of work, and use the same practical reason, industrious, we recognize the first man, single faculty which serves both to persist, to do, to fight and to throw in things. And we must logically assume that homo sapiens , making his first tools, is showing foresight and tied to last, yet had little time to think of death without risking his life and that of his family, he speculate too busy to suffer to preserve its finitude, and finally agree on precisely that selflessness he was vital in the savagery of an animal environment, none of which interfere predicting survival. In other words, if homo sapiens must use practical reason, industrious, make tools and develop, project itself in time, and so overcome his animal insufficient to ensure its preservation by its own natural weapons, it must same forget time, put aside his humanity nascent riverait that his every move to the consciousness of death and doom quickly if he had used his animal, his unconsciousness. This place not only human subsistence in the field of physical persistence and its growth, but also that of a mortal spirituality, an awareness of death and danger that it is vital for its own life engaging with all the dangers inherent in the animal order, ordered her disorder by instinct. By interviewing the famous fiber worker, we can not we have hit so little changed since this inability to live without forgetting end up with force, to return to our laziness, unable to persist in the present work not to mention its aspirations (inability insufficient to overcome his animal nature) and live without relieving his conscience of the immutable horizon and uncertain of his death (inability to pay its share spiritual side to his divine and mortal); double failure employee whose work is as the latest invention to date, with a morality that can transform under this handicap.
Without teach us much about laziness or the wisdom of our ancestor scavenger, we extrapolate prehistoric conducted according to the point of view current neo-Darwinist, we can pinpoint what we put there ourselves. This firm conviction of moral man mend their ways by the work of his animal failed, his divinity Acting sequences muffled most of humanity still a prehistoric action music ludicrous, pompous and characteristic of our partition Current Work / loafing. It even feels to find some emotion in this global projection germ of the distinction illusory, so human and so deserving for a human yet so little human, between inertia and movement, which are, at worst, that the two conditions the same oblivion Naturally, and the best two expressions of the same practice, and where man is in the same act or even rest. [2] irresistibly And we recognize the tone of his own conscience in that voice, collective, who commented on the Progress in the wild, the engagement insensitive to the slow and laborious reduction of human subsistence in a simple brute persistence, by a strange inversion or perversion of metaphysics, which suggests that the practical reason, industrious, sensible distinguish man from the animal order, did more for essential function that distinguish them from, to make man a sort of king of animals, according to some, or king of the idiots, according to others. From this point of view, moreover, supporters and opponents of liberalism today often share the same moral anthropomorphism, such as designing the first human dignity that the latter regard as unworthy of man. And it in both cases to show a copy of unconsciousness that his livelihood to reduce the persistence of a zoo, either welcomed it or to denounce the lack of work, and river fate to that of a social ecosystem whose main ambition is to mimic a nature humanized, ravaged by overactive imbecile, methodical and homicide, generalized self-forgetfulness.
It is even amazing that show courage to confront at the time of his death, his spiritual part, this need for communication that we transcends and defines us entirely, we attached to the animal order while he distinguishes us, and realize, in a last breath, we're on the verge of losing this life is just beginning. A courage that inspires both admiration but contempt. But under the guise of liberal moral and egalitarian secularism generous, moral universalism of human rights, our on-socialized system that grows human inability to live consciousness in a way that can not be so exclusive really surprised that it chooses as the animal model sum rather than the lazy fool who seeks to reconcile the aspirations and daily place their lives under the sign of "the will is forgotten" dear to Schopenhauer put his identity in the abyss of his hazardous game identifications tentatively invoke the virtues amoral and lazy, engage in the practice of idle time, as an endless space and eventually, to the jubilation of inaction, listen to the voice clear and distinct in that joy to work before the tough moral and metaphysical illusion against the collective mood, unfit for grazing ideological, boredom blissful chewing respectable. And in this encyclopedia immoralist lazy-here you can read the article sloth, written without the slightest shadow of lazy afterthought: "In idleness there is the desire to be decided; the lazy and took the party chose to become cruel to not depend on others for life. "
For many inactive, it has become vital to make proper inaction [3] school livelihood, unlearn inertia, to find some wisdom in the lazy effective, if not natural, at least amoral or pre-moral, which manifests itself in inactivity, (but also in the wage, for which did not completely lost sight of), and relearning to do, to develop an awakening enough to fix without hate the horizon of his own death so suddenly unveiled, and adhere to this interminable as we imagine life, join if you wish it to generously repeated forever or it ends the field, but filled with trade and commerce with actual reality. A lazy version of eternal return, somehow, that more and more of us should be learning, or disappear. This is our news in French. Some already claim that our salvation will be up to the art of laziness, so understood and practiced mainly by outsiders. My personal experience of the margin would lead me to think rather than just excluded practicing this art and that most of us feel the inertia and essentially we leave abuse, paradoxically, by work values. [4] And assuming that the collective refusal of the collective is not a contradiction in terms, a pure political fiction, there would in any case nothing to gain, under the leadership of the laziness of some, to replace the work by inertia, less than definitive search for the chaos and terror of nothingness that work as collective lie, has indeed begun to realize. But our pragmatic ideologues of work are a blatant willingness to ignore it would be detrimental, and there are words he should not leave morality if we take its existence. The word laziness is one of them, it is put in its vocabulary and get an ethical personal and shareable practicable, without being shared according to the current dogma of one for all .
I agree, however, will be understood that ethics is nothing and that compliance is, that this harmony with oneself is all the more perilous and exciting that does not always escape the grind and never this dual nature of animal and god missed Acting whose current political make their butter, reducing it to a partition devoted to moral and boring full-time self-forgetfulness, more or less comfortable and precarious. It is precisely this double claiming few are available and the very real risks for mental health set for self-forgetfulness, sinking into inertia, at least we will not renounce the claim to live and reconcile the two sides of his character unadaptable, both sociable and anti-social.
Regrettably perhaps to finish that serves his defense about the benefit of the adversary as laziness, conceived in this way is not an easy task and would rather exhausting and pointless, at least enough to explain we did not have time to work . And when we have accepted that the opponent in question is none other than ourselves, - submitted as a single insect pheromone laborious remedy supposed to guard against the cruelty of life and against ourselves - we will argue again that I defend is primarily a temperament conducive to the creation and primarily motivated by the good time he can selfishly take. All this is very fair and there is no other way to prove their "party of laziness" than the immeasurable pleasure and satisfaction to be able to claim it, so alone!
Stéphane Prat
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