I the snow on much of Europe where no one speaks also of that crisis, if not in bankruptcy, as if they belonged to the same country, Rome and London are aware of events students, and we do not know which is crucial. For Birmingham, Sheffield, Liverpool, Manchester, Brighton, but also Milan, Palermo, Venice, Bari rustle of the same protests: here is Berlusconi who is booed, there is Cameron, soon we'll know more when the Both governments, since the reasons for discontent are here and there same: registration fees for universities drastic increase, adding more and more decisive in the private sector in university courses ...
In Greece, Ireland, students also joined in processions malcontents. ...
Each raising his voice against his own government.
Never in Europe, the confusion has been greater.
Audited seem all provinces of the same government spread, so too the hydra heads, bodies, of floors: Sarkozy, Merkel, Zapatero, Trichet, Barroso ...
Some people vote right, vote left, no more voting, and subjected to the same vulnerability.
middle classes "worried" and more "decommissioned", which they say they could eventually turn to "extreme."
Everywhere we see rise of "personalities" carriers "hope" Always the same refrain.
It seems that the best guarantor of order maintenance has become media-organized and orderly disorder.
In this kind of disintegration / decomposition, the old continent and reached a point of no go and no return, as if too many conflicting generations stacking conceptions of future conflict, the "never again" to the oldest "no future" or "beggar thy younger.
"I was twenty," said Nizan, and I will not let anyone say it is ... "
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