While our colleagues in the press dependent merely publish some innocuous advice for the coming year, while the other charlatans drown in an esoteric verbiage inept incompetence of the fish (which happens to be a halibut), our LBS astrology consultant and homemaker is categorical: 2011 will take place in a few days , and most of you will not leave unscathed .
There is still time to do not read your horoscope telluric and household for days and days to come: perhaps this is it better, because the contemplation of the future as is described by Count Dante is an experience that can seriously impair your mental health.
To the extent, however, you are already reading this blog, and unless you're there happened by chance looking for a "recipe halibut" It is likely that mental health is already a distant memory for you. Immerse yourself in so that the guide Petre and Coupiaux Arts Divination 2011 described as "The Ultimate Reference in terms of Tarot . And gape
see before your eyes clouded with tears gauzy curtains that conceal the patio door for days not yet due .
Count Dante put his best suit to the mini-surf |
unveiled by Count Dante
born January 29 to April 11. Unless their name begins with C or are allergic to oilseed rape.
Relations beasts: You find a rodent lost sight of for years. Do not disappoint.
Arts and Letters: reread the classics in Russian the text, and the eccentric Swedish bus.
Love, work, health: the 14th, beware, anything can happen.
Native April 12 to April 19 + all drivers.
Relations beasts: Do not you think it is time to confront German mastiff that scares you so much? Or not.
Arts and Letters: meditate on the impermanence of existence by listening to the Requiem of Fauré. Full year 2011, if necessary.
Love, work, health: A new job crazy, you will find love, amputation of the left arm, etc..
Native April 20, with the exception of Adolf Hitler and Elizabeth II.
Relations beasts: Be attentive to the signs that you send the stinging jellyfish.
Arts and Letters: in 2011, your artistic production will make you the equal of even a Broudinot Moussepin.
love, work, health : senseless events propel you into the nearby suburb of Vierzon.
Native April 21 to May 28 and August 4 (7:41) August 7 (24:43)
Relations beasts: the first quarter, will play a large ungulate role in your marriage.
Arts and Letters: Contemplation of an etching by Dürer you will realize that it is tea time.
Love, work, health: care of your limbic system, do not call girls, poke in the fund.
born May 29 to August 4 (7:40). No serious abstain.
Relations animals: Adopt a more physical horsy.
Arts and Letters: Turn a remake of "The Fox and the Hound" by locating the action in the sixteenth century Venice.
Love, work, health: Be more attentive to the elderly. Locate their habits and the day they receive their pensions.
Born August 7 (24:44) at 27, boulevard Benoni Gould, Nantes + Adolf Hitler
Relations beasts: Patouche His name, he is a gambler, it measures 2.85 m at the shoulder and is your next great love. Suspense ...
Arts and Letters: babydoll dress you and surround yourself with a fuzzy halo to imitate David Hamilton.
Love, work, health: Nothing new until 23 October, then, is not much hope.
born August 7 (12:45) to December 14, most of the excluded evidence "Housewife".
Relations beasts: Shrews you have to good throughout the spring.
Arts and Letters: The Literature Nobel is within your reach, if you can loop a monumental work by the end of March.
Love, work, health: If you believe in yourself, you can move mountains (beware of lumbago)
Native December 15 to December 17 and carry map "Aardvarks"
Relations beasts: Read emergency "Living with the Hyenas"
Arts and Letters: You're the muse of a great artist, but make sure it is not a taxidermist.
Love, work, health: Passion, success, wealth and happiness will be at the rendezvous (non-contractual phrase) .
Native December 18 to January 2, kennel or native of Belle-rive, in the Somme.
Human Relations: fufu Do they love.
Arts Arts: A four year old child would do the same.
Love, work, health: Invest in a tourist complex in Uzbekistan, seduce a schizophrenic, do you remove the stomach.
Funny, phonies and other parasites born between 3 and Jan. 29 + Elizabeth II
Relations beasts: Do not forget the toothless.
Arts and Letters: Be academic or firefighter read a book.
Love, work, health: You'll be kidnapped by Gypsies, snowboard cross the Pacific and earn 750 000 dollars in a tournament finger.
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