Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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laziness # 1


The lazy, according to its original definition, means one who pretends , the pretending. The verb pretending until 17 th century means procrastinate, hesitate, act sluggishly. He combines some laziness, a nimble little temperament to act, undecided about the benefits of delaying action and lazily passing the act, secretly convinced that he will not be worth the trouble he would give. the lazy (who pretends) to lazy (who does nothing) , so there was a lazy language, a laziness that keeps track of the phonetic meaning of illness or moral perversion that we attribute to laziness today: "In idleness there will decided to do nothing; took the lazy the party and chose to become ashamed to live at the expense of others. " [1] The new complaints and through which our postmodern laborious rigged this term may well revive its slow metamorphosis.
The laziness that characterizes my work as an employee, means the trend, now widespread in do nothing If necessary grease the wheel that economic and social development which has been contracted to do the role and pretend live (to feign , the current sense of that verb). This trend is that the principle of inertia initialed by the employment contract and requiring the contractor to persist in the social movement of the workforce (or its lack). This is a simple kinetic inertia, contractual, which we can not attach special moral value. But the inactive itself, non-employee, is common to blame his inactivity inertia sclerosis and incontinence are the spiritual principle of the wage, to hold even for very respectable job of inertia employee and instead to strike inactivity of any human indignity. However, do at work, so exciting it is and whatever the resistance opposed to it, sooner or later revert to pretend to do, while the lazy, in the strict sense of the man who does nothing (here non-employee), he can find some pleasure in idleness, lies instead in the impossibility of pretending, and indeed, the need to do.
The laziness I do my party, if it sometimes leads to doing nothing (not to sign any contract of employment or integration, as far as possible ...), means above all the refusal to pretend to live and joined his first definition, attached to the virtues of inaction, while citing the need to do to get to survive in both senses of the word, defined one another: that of sustainable livelihoods, preservation of life and health, and in the second sense of overcoming a life of slavery illusion, delusion, filling fictitious time. Finally it involves a celebration of self, his speech and his ruthless and uncomfortable existence, a celebration enough untied for the collective mood can corrupt in the author, not more than the mirage of an oasis can not bend inward and a cactus, we would give a temperament weeping willow.
"Democracy divides people into workers and idlers. For those who do not have time to work, it is undeveloped. " Karl Kraus.

"Enough of acts, words! " Yves Le Manach.

Despite the special care that the French now surround their inactive, and at the end of egalitarian reforms switched prewar [2] - including the idea that we might have something else to do that work - System has never seemed so little to those who do not have time to work. Whether you come in range of the wage or they can not win, that accesses a pseudo-clandestine prostitution coping with the social, cultural tricks, parallel economies, scams cheap markets of bad luck, begging state or city, which connects the web of social fabric crafts loose or resistant and that takes out a shabby cover or otherwise villainous, no more frustrate hopes for the system excluding any Draft celebration of self and life without also condemning oneself to a form of internal exile. And if an individualist - I mean there anyone famous cruelty of its existence, intends to remain in control and strive for a certain harmony with oneself and the world - had to be described in terms of Karl Kraus the fate in store for him now that system it would be more inclined to state something like: "Could it time to work, they would lose work," or "work is do with work, even if we can ever make it . " trite slogan and apparently lazy as they encourage instead to do nothing, they did not contain the paradox of wage labor, its intrinsic inertia, he invokes spiritual sclerosis, selflessness now so strongly indicated, if required, and the tremendous efforts made to feign aspirations contrary, in a word: its laziness.

ago in the current economic and social optimism frank confession and exalted, even desperate, the inertia of the wage [3] . Incontinence spiritual without which the daily hard would breathe properly had first manifested in full, openly and without pretense, in idle pay. The inactive, non-employees, have invested heavily, without the precarious work and precarious work soon became a seduction lean and low in efficiency to relax. [4] The left liberals, proponents of social support mechanisms, have developed such an amendment guilt they would soon be dealing drastically as bad seed that was only moral consequence of the wage, holding for a cause degeneration of social inertia that was only the effect, or the mere revelation of this effect. He was socially vital in the liberal logic of our priests defrocked, solidarist Republicans, Republicans tired of war, that (the) lazy (e) that (one) that does not alleged - in reality that money more time and sweat against a salary - remains, becomes or again become a (e) pretending (e) as the others, he (she) makes it (it) also seem to live and uses his creativity to this noble task. It was in the presence of a heterogeneous mass and unpredictable, no fixed identity, denying himself a social class, and it was important to constantly re-motivate, the support and individual support as its non-research his research, so that at least, failing again to produce for itself a living, it should cease think, as a myriad of mirrors aware, sterility and the effect of wage labor annihilating. The populist right, then, to complete the social ecosystem by addressing the root this ailment ungrateful moral laziness that sudden and highly contagious, per root, mean right out of the workforce, market goodwill blind and enthusiastic which would be undertaken soon cure the evil (the inertia sterile destructuring) by propagating into the cause (self-forgetfulness respectable). So that the whole wage inactivity, unemployment more or less technical and sustainable Following this principle generous, altruistic, was soon far from work without pay as salaried unemployed. We had turned the mirror on each of its uselessness and the image was striking: it was believed to live in a jungle and we lived in a zoo! The fear of the other perfectly confined to the fear of oneself, there was ample time to give dignity to the highest bidder and we will embrace the inertia respectable (though often miserable), time auction populist election on the basis of a wobbly staggering selfishness of absurdity and inhumanity, which is approached by reversing some expected the word [5] Stevenson put in an epigraph to his apology for idlers :

The lazy (which itself called chosen to live at the expense of others): work engenders boredom.

The worker: If fact, sir, because more and more of us live without working and still claim not least the existence, so that the free life we \u200b\u200black the same time it reaches us in our dignity of being servile. If instead we were all working, we do not experiencing any regret or humiliation, we console each other ...

This dialogue is just depressing the translation into the language of sliced \u200b\u200bhuman consciousness, the current populist speeches, full of laborious values. [6] This partition moral slacker / worker would not find any echo in us without that inner conviction, widely shared, it would in our power to decide in two, and it would even the dignity human right to choose his piece and throw the bad. Some, who are legion, make the forgetfulness of self respect for oneself and others, more rare, consider that this is precisely incontinence spiritual unworthy of man. But whatever its sensitivity, lazy or slothful , gregarious or anti-social, we do not continue less, in most cases, to conduct this dialogue internally and sterilizing idiot, which is irresistibly exchanged roles and arguments, according to his sufferings and frustrations, even after apparently taken a trench face its inability to individual dispense with laziness wage labor. [7]

So we can reasonably attribute this inability our system only. Our entrepreneurs pragmatic ideologues of our land, are also of this inability to switch from individual wage labor an argument must, together with a virtue that no one in reality would be unprepared. And if we feel at first ordered to acquiesce, when we scored the necessary work in our nature, it is that we've already registered ourselves.

(more ...)

Stéphane Prat

Suite and end December 7, 2010

[1] Definition dating from 1858, a certain Pierre Lafaye Benjamin, in his Thesaurus of the French Language "(p 829). He heard also distinguish laziness and laziness, the latter having more of a natural human tendency, before the intervention of will.
[2] Paid leave, reduced working time, advances in our welfare as a whole until the present social assistance, egalitarianism in principle, crucible a culture of compensation and leisure, our current cult of collective desire, undoubtedly strengthened the moral strictures of the work they claimed to loosen.
[3] I here denotes the inertia of the wage itself, the mere persistence of contract in social movement work. Work, depending on how economic and social means to persist in the movement of the workforce. I see optimism in the current collective supposed to cure the economic and social immobility, the admission of this helpless inertia and, unexpectedly, its strengthening.
[4] This has been likened to the phenomenon Assistantship loss of identity and boredom suffered by many of us already. (We are late 80's, early 90) I would see for myself, initially at least, a sign of good mental health and the strict observance of human nature which would command instead to do nothing that do not meet subsistence needs. In all cases, there is no reason to assume that the inertia, inactivity, signed by integration contract or of another nature than wage inertia. And evidence to the contrary, that in this "welfare" has quickly emerged as unbearable, socially, collectively, it is this inertia that wage labor, so far, made bearable if not, at least respectable. It rightly else.
[5] "Boswell: Idleness begets ennui.
"Johnson: Yes, indeed, sir, because others are busy, so we are short of company. If instead we were all lazy, we feel no weariness, and we entertain each other. "
[6] can also doubt that this speech is really to put on (the) lazy (e) on the steep path of labor. Through him (her), he would apply rather than those of assets, employees, which has some good reasons to believe, considering how they live riveted to the inertia of the work that they do not adapt very least the inertia of inactivity, as well as inactive acquired values \u200b\u200blaborious, it is feared that they struggle to continue, subject to the imperatives of daily subsistence, to semblance of life.
[7] The will that we put in this voluntary servitude or the resistance opposed to it are now weighing whether to paltry individual destiny, that You can find both the course pretending (mainly driven by a herd sensitivity) among inactive the lazy anti-social in assets. The "lazy person" is obliged then to a much stronger resistance to it too must feign enthusiasm or indignation, play worker, therefore, take note of a certain laziness personal . And if the "lazy inactive becomes obliged docile optimism able to clear his conscience of inactivity no external routine can not deny, is that he can not totally ignore his personal aspirations and his need to make and should indeed recognize themselves, willy-nilly, a certain laziness , even if he (she) denounces selfishness.

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"is the story of a cat that is ill ammenchatté looking for a cat to stay warm on a rainy day"

That's my life: a long, hard life nobody understand what I mean because you watch a lot of degrees to understand before jumping to the first eye. Ajoutttez ahead of invented words and literary voià a bomb!

There are times I say I have a very childlike language to adult subjects and vice versa.

Monday, November 29, 2010

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L a Revolution! Who does not dream? And bloodless revolution at that? The one where the guns would derive roses and wounded bleed honey ... The idealism beautiful game when you have hours to waste in life and especially we have enough cushion behind the punches. It will take quickly to Lenin or Mao to not knowing what to do to become visible. October came, Eric Cantona has dreamed such, before the Winter Palace, urging the people to fuck everything in the air and investing safe state. He bounced back and preferred to conduct the subversion of where you can really touch the world without risking any lead in the buttocks: the Internet. During a two-minute video sixteen, he plays in the economic sphere, passes control to the chest, shoot, finally emerges far, far away from intelligence.

Eric Cantona, I saw you, slumped sideways, speaking as a Sponsor in the red sweater, uttering truths that you think is accessible to as many (and which are, oh yes, they are ...), from this one you've become: The Man Who Knows. The Revolution is simple, you say. Suffice it to "withdraw money from the banks" and thus "bring down the system, and flit around your upper messianic beard, and they obnubilent to the candid shots y 'ka, ka y' strident.

I heard out of your "mouth of truth", rolling on the rubble of an accent necessarily pleasant as it is warm, smelling of lavender and evokes the carefree grasshopper - I heard I say, the most monumental stupidity that this century is expected to give the thrill of a soft Guevarism and light, marking the advent of terrorism of small savings. No gun, no death "to Spaggiari" you say with a knowing smile, and the message, and makes its merry way, as a hope among the audience for which the synonym of "change" is limited before your golden voice, the magic word "lotto".

Eric Cantona, the words relayed by buzz now is that you cause in fact The most infamous mark of contempt and cynicism that has been worn for some time towards the poor, precarious, the debt of all ranks. Even your President [1] had never gone that far, yet he knows how to do ... How do you not have the decency to withdraw those words to punch which are convincing a few thousand of your fans and may cause severe collateral damage if your instructions are actually implemented? How can you continue to take such nonsense ? Maybe because you are indeed an ass and that, unlike football, the donkey is an animal that never change.

A date is fixed: December 7. By whom? Not by you anyway, because there is nothing like it in the sequence. So who let you time to build any part of this event? That day, what is supposed to happen but a foirade not laughable at all, except for you, which was installed in front of your TV, play leap-zapping from one channel to another to know How many entuber you total your customers by turning interposed? What do you really want this "coup bank? And the morning after, after that everyone will have gone home and stashed his loot under his mattress or on top of the wardrobe, what will we do? Do you feel the soul to get on a roll back to harangue and exhort Billancourt ... but what the hell? What did you say, Eric Cantona, apart from words which call for exclusion of cardboard?

Imagine a real scenario - go, Eric, made an effort, it does not lose more neurons than giving a head in Baball: the naive one-off savings account sufficiently stocked decide to follow your wise suggestion, withdrew their funds from one bank, and it indeed came to collapse, that asks you to other customers in incalculable negative balance (yes, it exists outside of the wildlife that evolves on a football field)? Of course, boost their debts fica , because they are owed, they must pay what they claimed. And here they are in real misery, that you no longer knew her for so long, except to ask advantageously before the camera or in a newspaper. Can they go ringing for you, if necessary, this fooled? Unlikely to reach you: it is difficult if your address on the Net.

Must be stupid not to think about the practicalities of the thing and their potential drift ... It is clear that, on December 7, no question go to bank. Not to disobey the "day of withdrawal," but just not to turn me into a walking target. Indeed, imagine that, that day, each client leaving the property is possibly in possession of several Hundreds, even thousands of dollars in his pocket! It is incitement to crime, just, and I suspect it is because of this legitimate fear that derail your beautiful ideal. Next time, visionary, suggesting that binding rather than women as prison guards in male prisons and of uniform or miniskirts and cleavage. Another opportunity for a good laugh!

In any case, since the wildfire that was sown on yourself, you go for a Robin Hood who would have been a stroke of genius. Forget it - But then was broken in the year to read the myths and seasoning sauce - that the noble Robin asked that wealth is redistributed. You what you want is to foul up everything and contemplate, from the balcony of your luxurious residence, the smoking ruins of the fire which you turn on the tiny bit. In short, your approach is more sophisticated than a bunch of kids who fart the windows of a bus stop thinking challenge the society for a few days users will feel the air currents, then replace the glass, and any resume as before. The Company will not even cough, a cold but will remain on the floor.

I bet that by the deadline of the ultimatum, the spirits will have cooled and you'll basically allowed only one thing: to banks terrified by the prospect of a disaster to keep drawing in the legal text forbidding such a maneuver, a martial law prohibiting such levy in this case and not another, etc.. Ultimately, this kind of idea more concrete the contribution system you pretend chipping. And who knows, supreme irony, we will not see you when the amnesia of spectators will have its effect, in a commercial for one of the institutions bailed you have time for a battered Eve? Gainsbourg boasted some good razor ...

I wanted to write "We live in times sickening. "But I'm back to write:" This sickens me time. "Is more just so, I think he saw the number of idiots who manage to chew and swallowing with a smile the broth that they serve. Do not you think for example that the true scandal, it is people like you - either bipedal relatively good with their stump - are paid huge amounts of money for kicking a ball of leather or plastic, to be repurchased at a price of gold by clubs and excite the crowd to frenzy fund? Then, once their career is over, all the doors of major and minor arts (film, song, painting, photography, theater ...) they are miraculously opened, so they continue to (be) entertained and the transition to s' fatten ? All that money you've generated and you have stirred in part, with your goals, your ads, your roles first, second or third, what is happening? Answer this question penny for penny, Eric Cantona, and there you will truly revolutionary work with your fellow men. Not encouraging workers, employees, employees who have hundreds or thousands of dollars aside, to go play the bullies by their masters to fuck with what is their only nest egg. Nor, above all, arousing the anxiety of those in fear at the end of each month because they are consistently in the red.

Unions are powerless, they need ideas, Eric Cantona? What do you base one! It is the job of course, is more difficult than taking a drop in the bucket of his fortune to conveniently place it on the language of a crazed homeless at the time they are back in fashion. Better yet, if you want to touch the system at heart, go and preach with your peers, rich overpaid to just "be" a name, an icon, a symbol, and persuade them to disgorge.

sickens me This time, I said, it worries me at the highest point too. Although, you the collector arrays, the multi-awarded international prizes, you seemed very poorly placed to bludgeon the lessons of economics at anybody, well, it reads that you would have thousands of followers ready to follow your "Call" as he is known already, reference post-neo-Gaullist forces to anything that looks or indirectly to an act of "resistance." You must - and you can - jubilant to have gotten the better ones that have the primary role in society to challenge, namely the intellectuals, this caste is now completely disconnected from reality because virtual fully acquired, ranging from the Three M "worldliness, media and mediocrity. It is a masterstroke that you made, I grant you, and a nice slap. Now it is time to pack up your marbles and bring the mind to calm. Because a France which, after having elected a leader who shapes the inhuman face it is known, would begin by listening to you, to follow docile herd of Panurge injunctions of a shooter penalties - that France would then finally reached degree zero.

A zero degree with which it flirts already, since no one has yet found anyone to be indignant at your reference to the famous "Spaggiari. It seems as if everyone is convinced, in France, it must be some great soul of chivalry, a Mesrine with clean hands, a model. "Spaggiari," is a name that sounds funny as it seems to determinism banditry generous. A surname Mediterranean is already a bit of sun. Cantona and if it refers, then it must really be a good guy, a sanguine but a guy in gold. Is he dead?, Ah, did not know, sorry ... I would advise all those who were excited about your appearance then move on to YouTube and go to Wikipedia to read the notice about the person to whom you associate the action to rob banks smoothly Safely as they say in vocabulary development. Anything that is not its methods of sewage worker, his spectacular escapes and I will mention not here (no, not even the Pinochet episode) will probably remain in the craw of all small leftist acculturated that your proposal will be titillated. It will show them that you are not the new Keynes the Poor; just a braggart who has been filming in the process of releasing a remark worthy of a short counter and everyone admires, in view of its glorious past .

I am not interested in sport, who knows nothing about your performance or that of your fellows, I could see, immune, these images at their level: they show a man who rose from the other side, excellent player, set itself up as arbiter bounded. It is time to make amends, Eric Cantona, otherwise it will be more and more people to shout what Cree usual in this kind of character when it believes it has misjudged. And your "revolution" then evolve like those that preceded it: it would turn against its originator.

Frederick Saenen

Illustration hand of cards here: http://www.parismatch.com/Actu-Match/Medias/Actu/Revue-de-presse-anglaise-La-revolution-selon-Cantona-226610/

[1] The author of these lines is Belgian, Memorandum No. Non.

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Surprise Me!

Christmas ....
Not easy to find, in general, the perfect gift!

I must admit that it was never difficult for me to find a gift for my husband Grand. But then, this year he told me to surprise him. I ask him to answer me one example and it may well be a gift certificate for a tattoo!

So I need your help: what ideas unique gifts, wild and crazy you have in mind?

The Madame wants to know!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

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The average man does not know the truth, but it has its truth, about which he testifies without trying to convince, because no convince him not to live.

The average man trying not to do to others what he would not want that other people do it, and endeavor, which is even more difficult to do unto others he wants it that other people do.

The average man respects what deserves to be, and thus worships anyone or anything. He expects his side as the respect he deserves.

The average man does not seek to succeed, but improve.

The average man has sole ambition is to do the best he has decided to do.

is why the average man is more interested in cooperation than competition.

The average man lives in society, but leaves the least society can live in it.

The average man has nothing against money, but refuses to pay more for it is worth.

The average man seeks to realize his dreams, but refuses to dream reality. That's why he did not think that all means are good to achieve his ends.

Even if it happens by chance to be a genius, the average man knows and wants way, because that is the human condition.

The average man does not seek to fart higher than his ass, nor lower; at all times the average man just wants to be himself.

The average man likes fidelity, but knows he is capable of infidelity, and is aware that it is the same from its congeners.

For the average man, sincerity and honesty are the ideals it strives to achieve much more he knows he will not succeed forever.

The average man seeks the infinite within the finite. He accepted the mysticism, but rejects fanaticism.

The average man believes in the creative imagination, but also critical thinking and practice as well as one another.

Because he has the sense of measure, the average man has almost always right, which allows him to recognize his mistakes without hesitation.

The average man knows his weaknesses and tries to negotiate with them, not to reduce but to make them his allies.

The average person takes account of others, but never forget he is only responsible for himself, and can be useful to himself and others by respecting its inner necessity.

is why, ultimately, for all that is concerned, the average man is not accountable to himself.

The charter of the average man is not carved in stone and can and should be improved through experience and reflection, including with the assistance of other average men.

Alain Sagault

Illustration "theorist" of Alain Sagault

Friday, November 26, 2010

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MASH: November 2010


Have the latest edition!

- - -

"Sarkozy accused of" trampling on democracy. " "

With heel, and more ...


"Top 14 of rugby: the waltz of leaders continues. "

It must be nice, rugby players waltzing!


"In the Puy de Dome, robbed a jewelry store with ... a tractor. "

A clever farmer who wanted to make wheat ...


"A mayor summoned by the court to drop his portrait of Petain. "

Sarkozy was jealous?


"The number of centenarians could explode. "

is probably what is called Grandpa" Boom! "


"Cocaine in the midst of bananas. "

Not sure as long as the traffickers are willing to be paid in funny money ...


"Bisphenol A may be involved in a deficit of sperm. "

Gosh, it really is the crisis all budgets are in deficit!


"Identifying offenders as young as 3 years? "

They are not hard to spot: they make tags with their boogers on the walls of the crib!


"First births in France from frozen oocytes. "

Picard is Professor ...


«500 000 € silverware stolen from the home of Bernard Tapie. "

Bin Say ! It's not for me it would happen!


"Barack Obama dancing with children. "

The new Michael Jackson?


"The sail to the crib to industrial tribunals. "

Anyone who has ever changed a layer spread with well known that, although at times, there would be nothing against the idea of being veiled to do it!


"Very high waves: caution on the Atlantic coast. "

But what makes Sarkozy? He was not elected to leave the beaches and be taken hostage by the waves!


"It strikes an old lady to death and flees" and just below it: "The UMP revamp its cadres

causal link?


"The angry farmers blocked nine slaughterhouses. "

For once, it is the CRS who shouted" Death to cows! "


" Paris is a city snob night. "

And who the fart day ...


"Alcoholics Anonymous celebrate their 50 years in France. "

watered Ca !


"Pope warns against the" loneliness "of the Internet. "

He announced on his facebook page ? ...

Stephane Beau

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I Want To Congratulat Some One For Bearth Day



break will be punctuated

By Alain Sagault

° - °


Every garden is a microcosm .

And the faithful mirror of its creator ...

But more modest reflection of the macrocosm.

Infinity is in my garden that I approach the nearest to him.

JUNGLE (Law of)

Just having gardened two or three seasons to find the supposed law of the jungle that is twisted in the brains of human beings the most neurotic.

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Hippopo -Madame: why women kill

It is almost midnight (local time) , and the premises of the Hippopotable the calm seems to reign . These gentlemen have already returned home for several hours, with the exception of Jean Farran snoring in sleeping off his Pale Dry (1).

is the time when, like a little mouse stealth and with a chest advantageous Cartier Josie sneaks into the composing room ronéotypographique this blog to write some lines that are reserved for you ladies .

Today, she decided to talk about a terribly amusing and yet rarely addressed by other newspapers and blogs female: crime.

It also decided to finish the bottle of brandy hidden in the right drawer of the office of his uncle Raymond, and smoking the cigarillos Rene Leduc, while reading a few chapters of a novel a few nimble lent by Danielle Génault, but it will after completing this writing .

With our business partner: Mitoufle
Mitoufle: but what, exactly?

Good evening ladies . This is Josie. Today, therefore, it will not issue cosmetics, comparing the benefits and Poplon Tergalux nor delicate dishes and yet economic unless they include a good dose of arsenic .

Here is my new folder:

Forgive this model a bit shaken up, I'm not very good with the Ronéotypographeuse, hi, hi!

Yes, because the fact that women kill is not in itself a revelation. We know that women are frequently the instrument of Hades since Medusa, Lilith and Odette Planchin (my fellow of the Institute Ste-Curb). But there was a comprehensive study of their motivations, means and subterfuge: the here.

1 - Why?
"Fun" was not an option in my questionnaire.

Yes, the scary truth is out there: 70% of women killed by jealousy . Beware, gentlemen who read these lines ( and who, moreover, should instead be trying to read an article on tobacco or fishing ). The slightest indiscretion is likely to transform your wife (or mistress, after all) into a fury homicide who will not hesitate to zigouiller her rival - and you the same time. Nevermind the

self-defense, we will return in the next paragraph.

love of another man motivates 10% of the loopholes. This is a track interesting to explore. It would suffice for our detectives and criminologists to find out who is this "other man " responsible for a crime female ten, and to promptly identify: that many murders that were prevented .

Three percent of these ladies by killing greed. Proof that crime does not pay, little or : if there were millions of francs to gain new ones slaughtered predict that the proportion would be much higher.

The most interesting are well 2% "other" . That's where we find most exciting reasons. Here are a few:
- To try this Steyr AUG assault rifle with a charger 42 cartridges 5.56 NATO, " see just what he has up his .
- Because his shoes " creaked abominably " .
- Because I thought it was my father, " sorry, this corridor is poorly lit .
- To be a act of rebellion against machismo " and retrieve 52 000 NF in his briefcase."
- By idleness.
- Because he had treated " nice girl."

2 - At what age?

This damn machine is impossible to adjust properly. Ah, if a man was there.

Finding clear: is between 40 and 60 years than women kill , the vast majority. Some logic is at work: one can assume that the 70% who commit this act by jealousy are indeed facing a younger . The 15% lethal between 20 and 40 years also correspond exactly to the proportion of self-defense : they are those who manage to chopping the first face to wives or quadra scorned and furious fifties.
Beyond 60 years, only 3% are still force to kill. Or, more attractive hypothesis , they have enough experience not to get caught .

3 - How?

Planchin Odette, she needed only a glance to defeat the wealthy insurance broker.

The only question really useful finally under this heading is above all practical .

C ' is clearly the weapon of choice, simple to use, deadly within ten yards, always fun to handle.
My advice: do not listen to the vendor that offers a toy "so much more feminine . The Singles 22 and 35 mm do not kill husband obese in 60% of cases. Take a very large caliber . A magnum 45 stops running a Cadillac, that's reassuring when you find yourself facing a ruddy sprightly 90 pounds .

Do not go out of fashion. Easy to use and get in drugstores is the friend of the housewife homicide.
My advice: have at you rats, beetles, poodles or other parasites whose presence will provide the ideal alibi for possession of toxic and suspect.

The knives
Staunch for 18% of viragos. A good shot in the belly Superintendent, "that his quiet hussy. The hatchet , spectacular, should be reserved for women large, because the shot should be worn high enough to crack the skull husband's fickle: a hatchet stuck in the shoulder or chest impresses but does not send the womanizing in the mortuary .
My advice: if you opt for the razor , avoid electric models in fashion , unless you have a well insulated room and lot of time.

Among the various ways include:
- The truck garbage compactor.
- the atomic missile tactical (discrete choice model )
- The halberd (unsuited to the life of a young modern woman, but so elegant )
- A beaver trained to kill (allow 5 to 7 years of training with a "Beaver coach )

Whatever your choice, girls, n Do not forget: the important thing is neither the motive nor the weapon, or an alibi, but the victim.

good week all!


(1) pronounced "Draille peel "

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when I was in 2nd year we received a note in the class whether they wanted to be part of a choir. She was a sister who was going to be our director and the whole way free. At the time, as now, finding free activities do not present themselves often. Like that would be after school at a rate of once or twice a week, I asked my mother if I could join. To my amazement, she said yes for me and my little sister. I was filled: I was going to sing!

I will always remember the smile and air of this angelic sister. She was called as Alice ... in Wonderland! She handed us sheets with songs written on it and taught us some songs. Folk songs, regional and religious. It was easy: she sang and we had to "copy" the same tune after. I've always had the ear hearing it was very easy for me. But to know that I was the only girl singing in high-pitched me one placed in an enviable position in the choir. We sang at Mass on a voluntary basis and I found the silence of the churches and the wonderful relationship with the divine. I know it's weird to read but for me it was the only place I was left in peace and that I appreciated. For the first time in my life, I felt that this shrill little voice could turn into something beautiful and melodious. Even today, I am a soprano in a chorus of female voices.

MUSIC ... is the most beautiful childhood memory I have. During this hour and a half, everyone was my friend (s). For me, it was time for the truce, it was the time when everyone did that. I fell asleep with the music, I woke up with music and my father was a musician who has always rocked these songs came out of nowhere. I always liked taste underground ...

I sing always: to calm me, to entertain me, to pass time in traffic, to teach my children. And as that gentle sister Alice of my childhood, I do it with a smile and inner peace.

I do not know if she knows how all the influence it had in my life but I just want to say one thing:


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Creamy White Cervical Mucus After Ovulation


b ood idea to be nice without being too loose

good idea to be used without too undergo function

good idea not to get too disfigured by the pettiness

good idea not to be too polite with the hierarchy

and have fallen for the car Ramsay Midwood

and riding a long wave of green lights

and enjoy the sunset absolution

thoroughly but slowly


and in addition there is the laughter of my little sister everywhere

and in addition there is a parking space that escapes the racket of the municipality

and plus it's already time to nibble in my life wanker

and plus it's already time for magic hours

and most famous square in the behind the famous

I meet the famous Gaëlle

and plus it gives me a flower is me passque

and plus it gives me a flower under the grim light of all his friends taxable

and brooding over something that I did not sleep but dream

and more I brood something that resolves serious stuff with lighter stuff

good idea to be nice without being too loose

Heptanes Fraxion

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Clipart Of The Number 30


A through its chapters full of humor and sensitivity, this book lucidly reality concrete in which we live. It leads us to open our eyes and finally to consider as outliers situations that we have finally found normal so we were told that they were.

Thus capitalism, to succeed, must be constantly expanding. The proof is that when growth is stagnant or a little as it reduces, problems arise immediately (unemployment, declining living standards, etc..) Specialists, both in economics and in politics, does then a single word in his mouth: he must resume growth. But JL Coudray says that this growth is not exponential at infinity and that will inevitably one day it will be hampered in its tracks, even if only because of the limits of the earth's surface.

Our entire Western society (in becoming the global model) is based on high productivity. Always produce more and sell more. But the mercantile design (which stems directly from the spirit shopkeeper) perverts our subjective relation to the world. We no longer see with our eyes but with the sensitivity of merchants offering their junk as the only possible happiness on this earth. For example, if I look at an industrial site, I can only find it ugly. Yet I am so conditioned by the fact that technology is necessary, that I will not see this site as its technical efficiency and that I will accept his ugliness.

In his book, JL Coudray covers a range of topics in brief chapters that make us think. He talks about the suburbs, for example, empty, soulless place that is neither the city nor the countryside where all the little flags are only models, toy, which mimic the real house that the owner (strong indebted elsewhere) will never possess. Or objects in series (everyone wants and eventually have the same coffee or even a refrigerator) that give the illusion to abolish social inequality. For we are pleased to see that even the underprivileged have finally improved their standard of living can buy technology products. But we forget that these products have often been made possible by the sacking of nature and human exploitation (plunder of the Third World, low wages, etc..).

And television? Once there was a chain, managed by the state. Today there are hundreds and I choose the program that I like, that one who speaks to me. The proliferation of these programs simply proves that the state has lost its leadership role and that the authority has now moved to an infinite number of multinationals.

This overabundance of programs is found on the Internet (where I am saturated with pages to read and when I finally do more than "surf" without any further) or in 700 books published each fall.

dare refuse Technology (which brings most gadgets), would, according to experts, advocating a return to the time of the caves. Suddenly, everyone is silent and accept this basic principle, never questioned. It must be said that the individual is pampered by the market society, since the tu constantly to make him believe it is important. Whether the President of the Republic or the presenter of JT, they all seem to be aimed at only me, which obviously flatters my ego (it is no longer at the time of De Gaulle, who admonished the citizenry with his "French, French ..."). This applies even to the trade literature, which seems to intimate terms with the player. The author has become a "buddy", which uses the spoken style that is more inaccessible and as a writer of genius of yesteryear.

JL Coudray deals with many other themes in his book yet. Advertising, of course, but also the genetic filing (which makes us look like cattle), speed, climate change, destruction of nature or the work ethic (the latter having become a necessity since Adam left paradise). Neglecting the spiritual and art, modern man lives only for the objects he produces, which brings him back to the days when he was only cutting flints. Because that's when they had free time than men had Lascaux began painting on cave walls. Today, our world is governed by the speed (because of global competition) which does not bode well for sure.

In addition, our planet becomes overpopulated, not so much in itself, but because of the maldistribution of wealth. Indeed, a country is considered overcrowded if some of its inhabitants have no access to resources. Now, with liberalism, there will soon be only a fraction of the population has access to the comfort and decent food. The other, the poor, will therefore be considered surplus. Yet this same liberalism defends the idea that the private interest is indirectly serving the public interest. " The merchant is the company selling its products selfishly." With such a principle, no need to govern, just let the market.

course, there will be some excluded, but they deserved their fate will be excluded because they were unable, because of laziness, cowardice or stupidity. Unnecessary, therefore, interest in their case. Moreover, their help would be meaningless in a society that says that competition is the only possible relationship between the men. "Any relationship other than financial perverts the market. The man, in its ethical, religious, cultural and social, is an obstacle to liberalism. "Therefore, every feeling is a waste of energy. As for protectionism that states can no longer perform to ensure the free movement of goods, it is now played by the multinationals themselves, the main beneficiaries of this system.

In dismissing their employees to earn more, these same companies are supporting the weight of unemployment in the community. This is also the same when they pollute, thus we can say that the rich live on welfare as the poor.

What is the solution to all these so dysfunctional? Well first of all stop believing that change is synonymous with positive change. Even in art, it has come to say without knowing that it takes off and works today are necessarily better than those of yesterday by the fact that they innovate. Nothing is less certain. In any case, it is clear that technological progress, it considers that the entire universe is winning. Therefore, come and talk about preservation of nature seems to be a speech obsolete. Yet the mere stop and contemplate a flower afraid to bring more happiness than to live at a frantic pace to earn money and buy items often unnecessary. Therefore, in a society like ours, doing nothing is truly becoming a militant action.


Jean-Luc Coudray, "The Future is our garbage (the alternative to decline)," Sulliver, February 2010